Delegates, Sponsors, Observers, ladies, and gentlemen It is an absolute honor to announce and welcome you to SAMUN XII.
Grow with passion, inspired with action. SAMUN have through years grown with the passion, values and compromise that have been passed through many generations. Generations that have inspired us to make changes, unforgettable moments and more than just academic achievements, experiences that we hope will longlast on each of you. We are in the final stretch and little by little I can see how this great desire becomes a reality, not only for me, but for our community. SAMUN XIII will - once more - focus on problem-solving, diplomacy, and the ability to connect with others to find the best possible solution to the situation. We know all of you are capable of this, which is why we have provided you with skillful committees and an incredible space to practice your abilities, polishing them into the potential you are bound to achieve. Even then, SAMUN XIII is not just about academics, but also experience. We understand that what makes these moments unforgettable are the people you meet and the experience you have with those people. SAMUN XIII will focus on making your experience one that you will never forget, with people you will always remember.
Best Regards, Luciana Barros
Secretary General SAMUN XII